
Showing posts from April, 2021

Luxury Award Winner SK-Touch Provides Unique Design Solutions for Clients

If you are an entrepreneur in Lebanon or Saudi Arabia and want to have an awesome design for your office or if you are a commercial establishment in the hospitality industry then SK-Touch could prove to be the single source solution for all your needs. To get innovative and unique F&B design for any project you will need the best designer around. In such case the Luxury Awards winner SK-Touch figures as the top choice because it is the winner of several awards for its awesome restaurant, cafĂ©, coffee shop, furniture, office, and house design among others. The interior design studio is presently providing design solutions and consultancy services not only for enterprises in Lebanon and Saudi Arabia but also to many overseas and international level corporations. Services offered by the company include  office design   as well as the F&B design among others. The design studio has never failed to satisfy its clients and is considered to be one of the best design studios ar...

SK-Touch is the Industry Leader offering Top Interior Design Consultation including F&B Designs

If you are looking for a top house design or stunning office design consultant then you need not look any further as SK-Touch fits into the bill perfectly. The industry leader in not only designing houses and offices but also in F&B designs and has been working as a design consultant for local as well as global clients. An example is their assignment as the designing consultant for an international client LG HAUSYS on their wallpaper collection with a focus on F&B Design. The reasons for SK-Touch getting selected for consultancy services on designs are that the agency is experienced and competent in providing such consultancies including the FF&E (Furniture, Fixture & Equipment) that makes the company a complete package for meeting all design issues. Rising to prominence was not a cakewalk for SK-Touch and the company has earned success in business the hard way. The company started its journey providing qualitative and affordable house and office designs for its cli...