
Showing posts from March, 2022

Enhance Your Residential Interior With SK Design Studio

The interior design of your house is very important and that is why most people in Lebanon or Saudi Arabia put much consideration when they are building their houses. It is the specific place of interest to almost everyone who visits your house. You have to ensure that it is properly designed so that your visitors will appreciate the benefits associated with a good design of the interior parts. There are some houses in these regions where the interior designs are poor. For instance, talk of a house where the corridor to the bathroom is very wide while the sitting room is congested. That is a house with a poor  interior design  as your visitors will be squeezed in the sitting room and yet there is a lot of space in the bathroom corridor. Are you in Lebanon or Saudi Arabia and want to build a house or modify an existing one? SK Design can help improve your space to the maximum with bespoke interior ideas and make it look better than how you have imagined it by not only incorpora...

New SK-Touch Interior Studio Product Enhancements Designed to Improve Workplace Comfort

New product advancements from SK-Touch interior studio delivering more comfort and design adaptability to workplace situations. Workspaces represent personal preferences and personality by including home-like items. This transformation results in settings that are both inspiring and friendly. The new lounge-focused product solutions from SK-Touch   interior design   studio bring the comforts of home to the office. With the addition of a new sloped arm option and chaise models, the collection has recently been updated. Consumers can now achieve a perfect balance of homey, casual comfort and commercial durability. The comfortable features and elegant stitching of domestic furnishings are combined with the durability and option-rich flexibility of commercial offerings in this line. A new low back lounge chair and side tables have been added to the SK-Touch interior studio line. The exposed finger joints on this boutique chair are gorgeous, as are the wooden, handcrafted arms. The...

Sk Design Interior Architecture Studio Presents Its Extraordinary Sale Offers

  This year, SK Design Studio returns with outstanding bargains and discounts on their furniture in January. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get high-quality, timeless designs built to last at incredible pricing. SK Design Studio Collection and Visuals Director, picks his favourites, saying: “A comfortable sofa at a reasonable price that is supported by a metal frame, making it exceedingly light. It’s a fantastic time to take advantage of this opportunity and add this distinctive piece to your home or office .” The SK Touch  Interior Design Studio  interior studio will also post video tutorials with ideas and tips on its social media networks. Consumers will be inspired to personalise their homes, creating their version of the Season of Style, with everything from the perfect seasonal table arrangement to beautifully folded napkins. SK Design Studio  Interior Architecture Studio  has expanded its clientele beyond Beirut and Jeddah to serve clients throughout...